- Sisteme de operare compatibile:Windows XP Pro / XP Home / Vista / 7 / 8; MAC OS
- Software:For Windows OS: ISIS / TWAIN Driver, CapturePerfect, CaptureOnTouch, eCopy PDF Pro Office, Kofax VRS (with AIPE), EMC Captiva Cloud Runtime Controls; For Mac OS: TWAIN Driver, CaptureOnTouch
- Dimensiuni (L, L, H), mm:Tray Closed : 280 x 172) x 178; Tray Opened: 280 x 606 x 366.4
- Rețea fără fir_TEXT:-
- Încărcare, pagini/lună:7000 scans/day
- Media, tip:Various media types; from thick to thin sheets, and from embossed cards to three metre-long documents
- Media, dimensiune:A4
- Network_TEXT:-
- Media, g/m2:27 - 209 g/m2 (0.04 - 0.25mm)
- Tipul de scaner:Desktop Type Sheet Fed Scanner
- Viteza scanerului negru, pagini/min:60ppm / 120ipm
- Viteza scanerului color, pagini/min:60ppm / 120ipm
- Adâncimea culorii la scanare:24-bit Colour
- Niveluri de gri:8-bit Greyscale (256-Level)
- Metode de scanare și funcții de îmbunătățire:Automatic Page Size Detection, Deskew, 3- Dimentional Colour Correction, Colour Dropout (RGB), Colour Enhancement (RGB), Auto Colour Detection, Shading Correction, Double Feed Detection, Preset Gamma Curve, Skip Blank Page, Folio Mode and etc.
- Alimentator de foi_TEXT:yes, Paper Separation: Retard Roller Method (Reversing Separator Roller)
- Alimentator de foi:Da
- Scanare duplex_TEXT:yes
- Scanare pe două fețe:Da
- Capacitate hârtie:60 sheets (80g/m2)
- Adaptor_TEXT negativ:-
- Dimensiunea maximă a zonei scanate, mm:Width: 50.8 - 216mm; Length: 54 - 356mm; Long Document Mode: 3000 mm Max (selectable in MS Windows control panel); Card scanning: Width: 53.9mm, Length: 85.5mm, Thickness: 0.76mm (Embossed Card is supported)
- Scalare:-
- Formate de fișiere:PDF, PDF-A, TIFF, JPEG, BMP and PowerPoint
- OCR software_TEXT:yes
- Software OCR:Da
- Interfață:High speed USB 2.0
- Culoare:White-Black
- :600 x 600 dpi (optical)
- :12