- Alții:Quick Stand; Flexible tube: 90° tube bend for easy cleaning under low furniture; DigitalSpin Motor, Power for ALL power supply system; RotationClean; All Turbo Spin
- Tip baterie:The battery is part of the 18-volt Bosch wireless system for home and garden
- Dimensiuni (l, l, h), cm:25.2 x 20.4 x 131.5
- Greutate, kg:2.90 kg
- Tensiune, V:18.0 V
- Putere, W:2 power levels
- Timp de încărcare:4-5 hours
- Timp de muncă:30- 40 min. in Eco mode (Up to 15 min. on automatic mode; up to 10 min. in turbo mode)
- Grade de lucru:2 power levels
- Nivel de zgomot, dB:82 dB
- Curatenie, tip:Dry
- O pungă:Bagless
- Capacitate sac/recipient, l:0.30 l
- Tub telescopic_TEXT:-
- Reglarea puterii:Handle
- Perie de bază:AllFloor DynamicPower Brush with LED lights
- Perii suplimentare:2 in 1 furniture brush and upholstery nozzle.
- Roți acoperite moale_TEXT:-
- Consum anual, kWh:-
- Tip:Handheld
- Culoare:Gray
- :Filter cleaning: easy filter cleaning by means of RotationClean - no need to wash.
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